human health

Role of Surroundings on human health

Health effects are changes in health resulting from exposure to a source. Health effects are an important consideration in many areas, such as hygiene, pollution studies, occupational safety and health, nutrition and health sciences in general. Some of the major environmental sources of health effects are air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination, noise pollution and over-illumination.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 24% of global disease burden and 23% of all deaths can be attributed to environmental factors.

Deaths from heart disease, cancer, respiratory disorders and many vector-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue and cholera have increased due to changes in climate.

Besides limited attention to sanitation, hygiene, as well as quality of food and drinking water, factors such as deforestation, increasing vehicular traffic, migration from rural to urban areas, decreasing water resources and inadequate drainage systems contribute to increase incidence of diseases.

Diverting towards Preservative foods instead of natural products

Preservative, in foods, any of numerous chemical additives used to prevent or retard spoilage caused by chemical changes, e.g., oxidation or the growth of mould. Along with emulsifying and stabilizing agents, preservatives also help to maintain freshness of appearance and consistency.

Chemical additives have been extensively used to prevent the survival and proliferation of microorganisms, but their safety and impact on human health are under discussion. Microbial food spoilage is an area of immense concern for the food industry.

Hence the increased awareness on the safety of food additives and preservatives, and the consumer’s trend to avoid foods containing chemicals, which, in the long-term, may have adverse impact on their health, have generated a significant number of studies and publications on the potential use of various natural substances.

In conclusion this special issue offers to the readers the chance to be informed on the recent advancements in the food industry. The use of Natural products has the potential to lead towards the production of safer and healthier foods. Hopefully we will experience food industry where chemicals will be replaced with natural products.

Busy lifestyle and schedule

Our modern lives could not be more hectic with the long work hours, not enough family time, and time lost commuting. As if all these obstacles weren’t enough, we are also faced with the imperative to stay fit or not get sick at least. 

Busy lifestyles can have a negative effect on our well-being. Juggling a family and a career, while still finding time for social activities and personal time, often means all but the most important things get pushed aside. 

Despite being busy, spend time on analyzing things which can help you to stay fit like eating small and frequent meals can help you consume restricted calories and keep your digestion in good shape, exercising in the morning is a great way to stay fit. It is advised to exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. Consume a heavy breakfast loaded with fibre and protein which can keep you full for longer and you stand or walk whenever possible to increase your daily movement. You can also try walking while receiving your phone calls.

Traditional foods and their benefits

Traditional foods are foods and dishes that are passed on through generations or which have been consumed for many generations. Traditional foods and dishes are traditional in nature, and may have a historic precedent in a national dish, regional cuisine or local cuisine.

Traditional foods and beverages may be produced as homemade, by restaurants and small                    manufacturers, and by large food processing plant facilities. Indian food is most popular for its             diversity. The variety of foods, spices and dishes that are native to India makes Indian food one of most wholesome foods in the world. 


In order for people to maintain a healthy, balanced life, they need to go back to the traditional ways of eating and obtaining food that 's harmless to their bodies. They need to consume the foods that are suitable to their bodies and helps them stay energized.

It’s not just traditional food that is being forgotten, even the magic of traditional things at home are slipping through our fingers. Every festival has now become about gunmanship and it’s not just about the tradition and experience and celebration anymore. The same way, food is being forgotten and other foods are entering the traditional celebration.

Morning workout vs evening workout

 Morning workouts vs. evening workouts – which helps you get the most out of your exercise? Is a dawn run around the neighbourhood helpful in jumpstarting your body to take on the day? Or is it better to exhaust yourself at the end of the day with an hour of cardio before calling it a day? 

Your bodily functions are at its lowest when you have just woken up, as sleep puts your body in a rested state. However, working out in the mornings not only helps to kick start your body for the day, it also helps you to end the day better as well, by providing better quality of sleep. 

When you get started on exercise before clocking in to work or taking care of your children, you give yourself time to focus on your physical wellbeing. As they say, health is wealth. Working out early in the morning can help to increase your energy level in the afternoon. 

Studies show that exercising later in the day is much more beneficial than working out in the morning, as your bodily functions are at their best at this time – so you’ll have more energy and more strength for an optimal workout. However, many find it harder to exercise after a long day at work. Your body temperature is highest in the evening.

Muscles and joints are up to 20% more flexible this time compared to in the morning, which makes it easier and less of a strain to exercise. Chances of injuries during exercise is also lower than morning workouts. You’ll likely have more energy to exercise in the second half of the day, compared to the first thing in the morning. 

At the end of the day, there are undeniable advantages for working out in the morning or evening. Which you choose depends on your choice, lifestyle and time management. It is not necessary to stick to only one time for your workout, but it does help in building a habit of regular exercise. Be flexible with your workout routine and remember that every effort counts!

