
Showing posts from July, 2021

Biden administration continues mixed messaging on masks

Murders up by 16% across America's cities

Eric Shawn: New hope for finding Jimmy Hoffa

CDC releases data behind new mask guidance

Eric Shawn: China, come clean on COVID!

Larry Elder on CA recall election: 'I think' Gov. Newsom is going down

CDC faces backlash over updated mask guidance

इंटरनेशनल क्रॉप्स रिसर्च इंस्टीट्यूट की रिसर्च:बाजरे से घटा सकते हैं 15% तक ब्लड शुगर, यह स्वस्थ लोगों में भी टाइप-2 डायबिटीज का खतरा कम करता है

Canadian doctor accused of using own sperm to inseminate patients to pay $10.7M in tentative settlement

इंग्लैंड के शोधकर्ताओं का दावा:कोविड से जूझने वाले हाई ब्लड प्रेशर और डायबिटीज के युवा मरीजों में स्ट्रोक का खतरा अधिक, 267 मरीजों पर हुई स्टडी

इजरायल का चौंकाने वाला मामला:नवजात बच्ची के पेट में मिले एक से अधिक भ्रूण, 10 हफ्ते पुराने इन भ्रूण में हड्डियां और हार्ट विकसित हो चुके थे; सर्जरी करके इसे हटाया गया

Long-term programs being implemented to help COVID survivors

Should we expect 'mask-mania' for the next year?

Leo Terrell: Progressive left-wing has 'highjacked' the Democrat party

Tucker Carlson reacts to changing recommendations on COVID-19 protocols

6 people test positive for COVID-19 after Caribbean cruise

Biden uncertain if federal government can issue vaccine mandate

CDC director can't define a time frame for return to normal

CDC advises vaccinated Americans continue to wear masks under certain conditions

Not surprising to see White House backing off mandated vaccinations: York

Bret Baier grills CDC director on perceived 'fearmongering' over new virus mutations

Michigan detects first Candida auris case: What is the rare, deadly fungus?

Lindsey Graham sounds alarm on border crisis: 'Border towns are under siege'

Sen. Lindsey Graham and Rep. Henry Cuellar call on Biden to appoint new border czar

Former CDC director: Masking up is a small price to pay

Rep. Nancy Mace: Nancy Pelosi is playing defense attorney for communist China

Watters: If Biden is serious about pandemic, get serious about border

CDC on Delta variant: 'The war has changed'

Dr. Saphier on lack of CDC transparency: COVID guidelines should be written on an Etch A Sketch

समझें दांत, जुबान और मसूड़ों के इशारे:गहरी लाल जुबान एनीमिया और मुंह में सफेद चकत्ते होना है कैंसर का इशारा, जानिए ऐसे कौन से लक्षण बड़ी बीमारियां का इशारा करते हैं

Ben Shapiro: Public health experts have ‘completely failed’ with COVID messaging

COVID science shows 'no logic' to Pelosi arrest order: Rep. Banks

States race to use COVID-19 vaccines before they expire

California restaurant only wants unvaccinated customers, owner battles CNN's Cuomo

Georgetown will require mandatory testing and check-ins for nonvaccinated students

Scientific backing for CDC mask reversal most likely 'doesn't exist': Dr. Kulldorff

More remote learning? California parents against it

पश्चिम अफ्रीका का मामला:26 साल की महिला ने 9 बच्चों को जन्म देकर बनाया वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड, डिलीवरी से पहले पेट का वजन 29 किलो था; 35 लोगों की टीम कर रही देखभाल

Delta seems more dangerous than other COVID-19 variants, contagious as chicken pox, reports say

Gutfeld on the media pushing their COVID agenda

Ingraham: Masks & mandates forever

Tucker: Democrats rode virus panic all the way to the White House

Biden wants to use leftover COVID relief money to pay Americans to get the COVID vaccine

Domenech: Only way for Dems to win is to lean into a 'permanent pandemic'

Biden admin's new steps in vaccination campaign could face legal hurdles

Louisiana hospitals prepare for surge of COVID-19 patients

New debate over how to handle vaccination hesitancy

Dr. Marc Siegel on Delta variant precautions: 'The mandate is problematic'

Louisiana hospitals prepare for surge of COVID-19 patients

Arkansas mother accused of faking adopted son's terminal illness: What is Munchausen by proxy?

Lonely older adults more likely to use prescription drugs, study finds

सुई के डर ने बढ़ाई बेचैनी:वैक्सीन लगने के बाद 30 फीसदी तक साइडइफेक्ट की वजह है बैचेनी, महिलाओं में इसके मामले ज्यादा; भारतीय इम्युनाइजेशन कमेटी की रिसर्च

COVID-19 in Los Angeles: Over 25% of cases are fully vaccinated people

CDC is not being transparent about data behind mask guidance: Brett Giroir

Dems ignore science to mask the vaccinated

Rep. Byron Donalds on spat with vaccinated colleague: 'mind your business'